Blogs are they still a thing? Do people still read them?

This week I was invited to contribute to a blog article on the topic of Insomnia and my contribution was how yoga can help. You can read the article here I then was invited to write a blog in my own right and so I have set to work on this. I’ll share more when I am done with it. I did however get to thinking, do people still read blogs, I have to say that I am not one, normally to do so, but then I realised that you can pick up a wealth of information, learn something new and find new interests. I did as I read the blog with the contributions from the other experts in their fields. It’s such an interesting topic and an issue which affects many people at some point in their lives and so to read other people’s perspectives on ways to help has been most informative. So, maybe I am a convert to the art of blogging. Maybe, I will share more snippets of information and ways to help heal our bodies.

For now though, enjoy the read on insomnia over at the Wellbeing Umbrella.


Not a natural blogger


2022 - Hello!