Usui Reiki and Access Bars Holistic treatments

If you are looking for holistic healing I offer Usui Reiki and Access Bars as additional holistic therapeutic services.

Contact me to book your holistic treatment here.

What is it all about?


What is Usui Reiki.

 This form was founded in Japan and the basis of the practice is referred to as self healing/self treatment. A little over 100 years ago a Japanese man, Mikao Usui, began a personal search that ended with his having contact with the energy Reiki. His practice grew and eventually Reiki was introduced out of Japan via Hawaii in 1937 by Hawayo Takata Sensei. It is passed on from one person to another through a specific initiation, teachings and a defined form of practice.


The Japanese word ‘reiki’ can be translated as ‘universal life energy’ and the Usui System is a way of working with reiki for healing of self and others. The word healing is used in the sense of regaining harmony and wholeness. Usui Shiki Ryoho addresses the whole person on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels and those that we cannot identify at the present.


Usui Shiki Ryoho has been defined by the former lineage bearer, Phyllis Lei Furumoto, as having four Aspects: healing practice, personal development, spiritual discipline and mystic order. The Aspects accompany a central core of practice and philosophy referred to as the Nine Elements. The combination of all the Elements and Aspects and their inter-relationships creates the system which has a proven, predictable capacity to take people along a profound path of healing, growth and spiritual deepening. If any part is changed or left out, the form is no longer recognized and is considered to be another form of Reiki practice.


The importance and deeper meaning of the elements and aspects and the whole system is mainly beyond words and gradually unfolds through personal experience. The following is a brief outline.


Four Aspects

Healing Practice - Usui Shiki Ryoho has as its basis self treatment and a form of treatment to be used as a way to treat others. This is achieved through a series of laying-on-of-hands treatment positions.


Personal Development – Through the practice of this system, the student is presented in everyday life with choices. These choices address underlying principles and beliefs that the student has acquired over the years of life. These principles and beliefs are often challenged as they may not be beneficial for the student’s path toward authenticity.


Spiritual Discipline - inherent in the regular practice of the Form is the connection to spirit within each of us as a human being. This connection to spirit can result in students considering this practice as a spiritual path.


Mystic Order - practice of Usui Shiki Ryoho brings mystic experiences and a sense of connection and common purpose with others following this path.


Some of the Nine Elements

Oral Tradition - The form and essence of this system is passed on only through a person to person relationship with a Reiki Master involving verbal and non-verbal communication and energetic transmissions.

Spiritual Lineage - Mikao Usui, Chujiro Hayashi, Hawayo Takata and Phyllis Lei Furumoto are recognized as the spiritual lineage of this system. The living lineage bearer embodies the essence of this system. The teachings are passed down through this line of masters, developing through the experiences of these masters, the cultural norms of the time frames, and the development of global society.

 History – The story that is told from master to student is passed through the oral tradition in the First Degree class. This is the story of Reiki and this particular form of practice. This is not a story that is about people but the way in which Reiki has passed through each of the lineage bearers and become a manifest form.

Treatment – The treatment form consists of hand positions held for a few minutes in a specific order. This is the formal treatment practice. The informal treatment is any hand position that is practiced with the consent of the person being treated for as long as is necessary. Treatment of the First Degree is done on the physical body with hands on the body. The Second Degree treatment is also practiced on the physical body and also at a distance through use of the symbols.


What is Access Bars

The Access Bars® is an amazing treatment that involves gently touching 32 points on your head.  This supposedly releases anything that doesn't allow you to receive. These points (aka bars) contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that you have stored in any lifetime. This is an opportunity for you to let go of everything!

I know, it sounds out there but hang in there as it is explained more…

Each Access Bars® session can release limitations in the area of your life that corresponds with the specific bar being touched. This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitation in all aspects of your life that you are willing to change.

How much of your life do you spend doing rather than receiving?

Have you noticed that your life is not yet what you would like it to be? You could have everything you desire (and even greater!) if you are willing to receive lots more and maybe do a little less! Receiving The Bars® will allow this to begin to show up for you.

How does it work?

Access Bars® has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more.

At worst, you will feel like you have just had a phenomenal massage. At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease.

Some compare the brain to a computer and The Bars® treatment to a disk defragmenter.  The bars (points on the head) correspond to different areas of the brain (the computer files) that relate to aspects of everyday life, such as joy, creativity, money, control, creating connections,  calmness or experiencing gratitude etc.  We carry our own limiting thoughts, beliefs, emotions and patterns in these areas (like junk files, or spam) based on judgements absorbed from society, culture family, friends and personal experience.  Ideas about right and wrong, good and bad, interfere with accepting life as it is and making changes that empower us.  We may even be well aware of how these judgements draw us off-centre, away from our inherent connection to wholeness and oneness.

When an Access Bars® practitioner touches the bars on a person’s head, the electrical charge in the brain which holds these fabricated judgements is dispersed (i.e. the junk files deleted!).  Patterns and ‘programs’ we’ve taken on cause us to react to life on autopilot, with unconscious resistance to the very experiences we most long for.  Once cleared, we become free to function again with clarity and awareness, receiving who we truly are without fear and obstruction, and open to entirely new vistas of possibility.

Studies have shown that The Bars® treatment slows brainwaves down to a theta state allowing behavioural patterns and childhood perspectives to surface and be released, and a greater state of presence, allowance, and openness to arise.  Limiting thoughts, beliefs and feelings can be lifted, including fears about money, blocks to creativity, difficulty receiving, residual grief, or any other habits that no longer work for you.

The Bars® are a tool that facilitate a different way of functioning on the planet.  For trillions of years, human beings have functioned from the density of their thoughts, feelings and emotions. This is what people have identified with, this is what people have made valuable.  The more you get your bars run, the more you begin to perceive how much effort it actually takes to function from thoughts, feelings and emotions. You also start to perceive the possibility of functioning from perceiving, knowing, being and receiving.  For most people, getting their bars run is the first time that they actually allow themselves to receive without obligation and consideration.

If you are feeling down or out of sorts, I would highly recommend trying a session. It will open up possibilities for you and allow you to receive them.

It’s like activating a computer virus of consciousness!

Bars can be used to facilitate change in all areas of your life.  When you are willing to function from more consciousness, you begin to open the doors to all healing.  Science tells us that the shape of your cells actually becomes more elliptical when they are influenced by thoughts, feelings and emotions, which is the first step to dis-ease.  When you get your bars run, it unlocks this impact on the cells allowing the cells to return to their more spherical shape facilitating more ease in the body.

At this point, you may be thinking (or judging) that this seems very "woohoo Karen" and I totally get that.  Its effects could merely be anecdotal or placebo - I was there once too until I had my bars run the first time. 

Access Consciousness® tools including The Bars® are used by Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Physiotherapists, Family Play Therapists, Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Business Coaches and Trainers and everyday people to create simple fast change.