Whatever it is, telling your story can make all the difference. Psychotherapeutic counselling with Karen Pullan in an environment which gives you space and time.

If you are feeling that life is getting on top of you, take time out for counselling. You don’t have to handle things alone. Talk with Karen - Improve your mental well being with face-to-face sessions and therapeutic self care tools from a relational psychotherapeutic counsellor.

Psychotherapeutic Counselling.

I can help with:

  • Stress & anxiety

  • Fear, anger, hurt, sadness

  • Confidence & self esteem

  • Relationship & intimacy issues

  • Bereavement and grief

  • Whatever you feel you may need to talk about in a safe environment.


At Karen Pullan Counselling we believe that affordable, quality counselling should be available to all. I trained at Scarborough Counselling and Psychotherapy Training Institute and I am in advanced training. With membership of UKCP. At the heart of everything that I do, is a belief that authentic, empathic and supportive relationships, between client and therapist, can lay the foundations for positive and long lasting change. You may find Counselling helpful if you are struggling or experiencing difficulties with issues such as low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, bereavement, loss, addictions, behavioural problems, panic attacks, or relationship difficulties. Perhaps you have experienced trauma and are struggling to feel connected in the world or maybe you have concerns about your mental health. I offer a safe, comfortable and creative environment where you can be heard and seen and your needs recognised.

The Dandelion

Survival – Dandelions are flowers that can persevere through all of the difficult living conditions. Because of this, they are considered as symbols of survival and overcoming all of the difficult moments in life. They are also perfect proof how even the smallest and most humble people can be strong and powerful and overcome everything that gets thrown on their way. When you place Dandelions in your home, they can be pleasant reminders about how important it is to fight against problems and to stand courageously when hardship comes your way. Many people consider Dandelions to be perfect examples of how even the smallest and most humble people can withstand great hardships.

As a flower symbol, the dandelion is the symbol of emotional healing. Since they can endure almost any living condition, they represent overcoming every hardship by standing strong and proud.